Sketching Lab


In this lab, you’ll complete 3 exercises that will help you practice some of the sketching skills we covered in the lecture. You’ll also have the chance to work in Trello and practice using its features.

Chicken Scratch







Five Elements


Interface Icons



  • Login to Trello

  • Send instructor your user name. (will be added to the Queue board for project work)

  • Create a personal productivity board in Trello. Name it whatever you want.

  • Setup your board with the following lists

    • Icebox (quick thought ideas, nothing concrete. you just want to remember)

    • Backlog (ideas that haven’t made the 5-6 task cut for the day.

    • Today (Tasks you will work on today. remember no more than 5-6 tasks go here.)

    • Current Task (Pomodoro) Only should ever contain 1 task, your pomodoro.

    • Waiting (Some tasks you are waiting for an answer or is time based.

    • In Review (if you are working within a team or another individual)

    • Done (all done tasks go here

  • Create a new project board (Name it Your goal name from above)

  • Invite the person(s) from class to you project board. you can remove later if you would like.

  • Create a list of all your tasks (from group work above)

  • Assign a due date to one of the tasks

  • Prioritize the tasks

  • Create a workflow with lists (See personal productivity board above)

  • Practice moving cards around

  • Label one of your tasks.

  • Create a checklist

  • Create a fake card named “Archive card” and then archive it.