Our Goals
Understanding Algorithms
Algorithms Examples
Some Common Algorithms
Understanding Algorithms
What’s an Algorithm?
A set of rules to be followed
Algorithms are Language-Independent
repeat until we reach end:
can you move left?
if yes, turn left
can you move forward?
if yes, move forward
otherwise, turn right
// (in Javascript)
maze = new Maze('http://url-for-our-maze');
while (!maze.solved()) {
if (maze.hasLeftPath()) {
if (maze.hasForward()) {
} else {
Algorithms Examples - Mazes
Solving This Maze
How would you solve this maze?
How would you tell a robot to solve this maze?
Optimal Solution?
If you know the layout of the maze, you can program the optimal solution:
Turn left, move forward 3 steps, turn right,
step forward, turn left move forward 2 steps,
turn left, 1 step forward, turn left,
2 steps forward, turn right...
Oh Noes!
What if you don’t know structure of the maze?
What if you can only see around you?
One Possibility
Random Mouse Algorithm
Proceed in a straight line until junction, pick direction randomly
Known as a Las Vegas Algorithm
Better Strategy
Left Hand on Wall Algorithm
Walk around maze keeping your left hand on the wall
May not be the most efficient, but guaranteed to get you out
Doesn’t work for all mazes
Note that this algorithm doesn’t work on all mazes, though – it always works only for those where the maze doesn’t cross over itself and where both the entrance and the exit are at an edge.
There are algorithms that work on all mazes – but these are more complex (and often more inefficient for the common case of no-crossovers, entrance-and-exit-at-edge). This situation, of more generalizable cases being more complex and less efficient for normal cases is a common one for algorithms.
Our First Algorithm
repeat until we reach end:
can you move left?
if yes, turn left
can you move forward?
if yes, move forward
turn right
Different Algorithms
Algorithm |
Solutions |
Guarantee? |
Human Doable? |
Memory Free? |
Random Mouse |
1 |
no |
yes |
yes |
Wall Follower |
1 |
no |
yes |
yes |
Pledge Algorithm |
1 |
no |
yes |
yes |
Chain Algorithm |
1 |
yes |
no |
no |
Recursive Backtracker |
1 |
yes |
no |
no |
Trémaux’s Algorithm |
1 |
yes |
yes but hard |
no |
Dead End Filler |
all |
no |
yes |
yes |
Cul-de-Sac Filler |
all |
no |
yes |
yes |
Blind Alley Sealer |
all |
yes |
no |
no |
Blind Alley Filler |
all |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Collision Solver |
all shortest |
yes |
no |
no |
Shortest Paths Finder |
all shortest |
yes |
no |
no |
Shortest Path Finder |
1 shortest |
yes |
no |
no |
Solutions: Which solutions does this maze present?
Guarantee: Is this guaranteed to find a solution (if possible) for every maze?
Human doable: Is this algorithm straightforward enough for a human to do it?
Memory Free: Can this algorithm be written without requiring additional memory?
Simplified and adapted from
Guessing Numbers
Let’s Play a Game!
I’ll pick a number from 1 to 100.
You guess the number.
I’ll tell you if you guessed correctly, too low, or too high.
Keep guessing until you guess the number.
How Did You Solve This?
Most people have learned to guess 50 first, then, depending on whether it’s too-high or too-low, to move halfway to the other end. This is the most efficient way to solve this problem.
Binary Search
too_low = 0
too_high = 101
while not guessed:
guess = midpoint between too_low and too_high
if guess > secret_number:
too_high = guess
if guess < secret_number:
too_low = guess
Finding Palindromes
Palindrome (n). Word which reads same backward or forward.
Or, to pick a really silly and long phrase example: “A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal – Panama!”
For lots of fun examples, see Wikipedia on Palindromes.
Let’s Design an Algorithm!
Is first letter same as last?
If so, move in both directions
Reached middle? It’s a palindrome!
Reverse string
If it matches, it’s a palindrome!
Pseudocode To Start An Algorithm
You might have noticed that our last example did not include any code. This is because algorithms are not language specific. Therefore, they should be desiigned in pseudocode. Pseudocode is the process of laying out your logic in an easy to read, easy to understand way. Notice, in the previous example we did not write:
if str[0] === str[str.length - 1]
Instead, we simply wrote Is first letter same as last?
. From this pseudocode, we should be able to write an algorithm in any language.
More Algorithms
Sorting Items
Bubble Sort
Merge Sort
Insertion Sort
Heap Sort
Quick Sort
and many more….
Tree Searching
Binary Search
Breadth First Search
Depth First Search
Many Notable Algorithms
It is important to know that there are many algorithms out there for all sorts of different purposes. In most cases you do not need to create your own algorithm, however, you do need to look at the pro’s and con’s of different algorithms before choosing to use them.