Web Design Principles#



  • Give you a foundation for understanding design

  • Principles to help you design your projects and portfolios!


  • Background on UX (user experience) and usability

  • Interaction design principles

  • Visual design principles

UX (User Experience)#

What is UX?#

UX or UX design is creating intuitive, user-friendly interfaces.

The idea: by understanding users’ behaviors, motivations, and pain points through research and analysis, we can create products that are usable.

What is usability?#

Software is usable when

  • It’s designed with the user’s needs and preferences at the center

  • Users can do what they want, the way they expect to be able to do it

  • They can achieve goals with minimal effort and frustration

In large part, what makes something usable is the absence of frustration in using it.

Dana Chisnell, UX expert and researcher

Key components of UX#

UX is a multidisciplinary field that includes:

  • User research

  • Information architecture

  • Wireframing and prototyping

  • Usability

  • Accessibility

  • Visual design

  • Interaction design

  • User testing

Interaction Design#

What is interaction design?#

How users interact with buttons, menus, and other interactive elements.

You have a lot of control over this as a web developer!

Principles of interaction design#


Maintain consistency in design elements, interactions, terminology.


Important functions are clearly visible and easily discoverable.


Users should know how something works just by looking at it.


Minimize the likelihood of errors and prevent users from taking unintended actions or making mistakes.


Provide immediate and informative feedback when users perform actions.


Interfaces that are consistent are predictable and easier to learn.

Traffic lights—red always means “stop”, green always means “go”

In web design: items that have similar behavior should have similar appearance.

Example of good consistency vs. bad consistency


Important or commonly-used actions should be easy to find.

Users can’t use a feature if they don’t know it exists.

Twitter puts frequently used features up front and hides other features behind a menu

Dan Abramov is the co-author of Redux and works at Meta on the ReactJS team.


Users should know how something works just by looking at it.

We make assumptions about how things work based on our previous experiences.

A physical light switch

A digital toggle button


Set accurate expectations before an interaction:

  • What to do

  • What will happen next

  • How the interface will respond

Which do you prefer?

Screenshot of save dialog from Microsoft Outlook

Screenshot of save dialog from Microsoft Word


Communicates to user that something happened

  • Loading spinners

  • Changing colors on hover/on click

  • Toasts/notifications

Visual Design#

What is visual design?#

Using visual elements, branding, and aesthetics to create an appealing interface.

You might have control over this as a web developer
(unless you’re working with designers)

Four principles of visual design#


Making elements stand out from one another


Establishes consistency, helps users understand organization and structure of content. Reinforces branding.


Connect related elements and aids in scanning and understanding content.


Group related elements together and separate unrelated ones to reduce clutter.


If you need something to stand out, use contrast.

  • Can create more interest—as long as it’s not overbearing!

  • Can be established using size, color, shape, type, etc.


Repeating elements throughout the entire design

  • Helps clarify and unify

  • Having obvious repetition allows us to break it to add visual weight or emphasis

  • Establishes continuity

  • Makes things look like they belong together

Writing reusable components makes repetition easy!


Every element in the design should have a visual connection to something else.

  • Good alignment creates unity and unity is very important in visual design.

  • Avoid using more than one text alignment on the same design

    • Ex.: left justified text in one paragraph and centered text for headlines


Proximity is how close or far apart things are from one another.

  • Items placed close together indicate a group or association and vice versa.

  • The basic function of proximity is to organize information.

  • Information organization leads to better understanding and retention.

Tips and Tricks#


  • Grids bring order to the information and content presented

  • Columns give proportion to the design

    • Ex.: main content and side navigation

  • We generally align all elements on the page to the columns


Designs need negative (empty) space—don’t fill up the whole page

  • In grids, gutters are the negative space surrounding columns

    • They should remain constant in size regardless of the width of the columns.

  • Put space between items to separate them/make them less proximal

  • Conversely, don’t leave so much space that it feels empty.

Color palettes#

Having a color palette for your app ensures consistency.

For a good overview: Website Color Schemes

  • Adobe Color helps you find good color combinations

    • Choose a base color

    • Find secondary colors using different color theory methods

  • Coolors is simpler and will make choices for you

  • Contrast Checker checks to make sure text size and contrast is readable for people with visual impairments and color blindness.


Changing fonts is an easy way to make your site feel custom and different.

In CSS, give a list of font families:

body {
  font-family: 'Source Sans 3', system-ui, sans-serif;
  • Your browser will use the first one it can find (known as a fallback font)

  • Good practice to use a system font stack for your fallback fonts

    • Modern Font Stacks is a resource for system font stacks organized by different typefaces